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White amur fish: what is useful for the body, recipes for cooking

White amur or grass carp is one of the most valuable species of commercial fish. Fatty meat of this inhabitant of freshwater bodies of water is recommended by nutritionists to include in the diet to improve the health of adults and children. In dietary nutrition for various diseases white cupid also plays a significant role, as has a positive effect on almost all biochemical processes in the human body.

Despite the bony meat, grass carp are willingly purchased by housewives, wishing to please their households with delicious fish dishes. Fishing connoisseurs also consider it a great luck when they get this single representative of their species on the hook. After all, one large specimen is enough for a family of four to afford a fish week. It is not difficult to learn how to process and cook white amur. And the delicious fish delicacies cooked from its tender meat will please even those who previously had no particular love for the fish diet. But before you take up the search for the best recipes, it is worth first getting to know grass carp better, learn the features of its underwater life, evaluate the rich composition.

White grass carp: what kind of fish, how it looks and where it is found

White Cupid quite deserves the status of the brightest representative of the Carp family. The habits, habits and appearance of this river dweller do not meet the standards that correspond to the inhabitants of water depths. But the description of the characteristics of this unusual freshwater fish wants to begin not with external features, but with its gastronomic preferences.

Benefits and harms of white amur

Food habits

Cupid, as a true vegetarian, eats only plant food. But he is so voracious that in one day he devours volumes of sea and coastal plants that exceed his own weight. For this peculiarity, the white amur is often called a water cow or grass carp. True, such a comparison does not prevent him from leading a fairly comfortable lifestyle. Thanks to the excellent appetite, he annually adds 10 cm in height. Of course, along with the growth the body weight increases, so by the period of growing up the amur reaches gigantic parameters: at a height of 120 cm its weight can be up to 40 kg and more. But grass carp with such dimensions are found only in places where there is a good food base for it. The diet of this representative of freshwater fish consists of reeds, algae, reed leaves, cut grass.

An interesting fact: white amur loves young corn and fresh cucumbers. He does not mind eating cabbage and beet leaves. Hungry individuals in search of food jump out of the water to grab the greenery of above-water plants. This feature is often used by fishermen, trying to attract fat carp with tasty bait.

Appearance Signs

Although the carp belongs to the Carp family, its appearance bears little resemblance to the basic traits inherent in that species. Typical features of this freshwater:

  1. The elongated body resembles a torpedo. The body is flattened on the sides. The massive belly is colored light yellow or cream, and the sides are covered with silvery large scales with dark edges.
  2. The head looks disproportionately small compared to the body, but this drawback is compensated for by the huge mouth with strong jaws.
  3. The lips of the white amur are thick and the nose is blunt. Against the background of the head wide apart, the mouth seems small.
  4. The grass carp's eyes are low and medium-sized with a golden iris.
  5. The large tail fin is darker than the rest of the body. Due to its wide base and deep notch in the middle, it helps the fish to move quickly in the river.


Like other brethren in the family, the white amur prefers a daytime lifestyle. From early in the morning it follows its traditional route, bypassing all of its favorite places during the day where it can feed on aquatic vegetation. Often grass carp are found in shallow waters, where they love to bask in the sunlight. But the activity of this creature inhabiting rivers and lakes is connected with water temperature: when it drops below 10 degrees, it falls into anabiosis. The water cow winters together with her congeners in pits of silt and sand. Places of accumulation of fish gives out the mucus, which is produced by the skin glands. White amur is a migratory species that migrates to tributaries of rivers and adventitious water bodies in the summer.

Good to know: The plant carp is noted for its hardiness. It feels great in salt water.


Amur reaches sexual maturity by the age of 9-10 years in comfortable living conditions. The fish spawns in rocky places where the current is fast. Female amur lays up to 1.5 million eggs at a time. If conditions are unfavorable or there is not enough food, spawning stops, and laid eggs are destroyed. This process is called resorption. A female that survives this process once may permanently lose her ability to spawn. Fry emerge after a week, but despite their microscopic size, they begin to actively eat insect larvae, small crustaceans and algae from the first minutes of life. Upon reaching 3 cm in length, the babies go on a vegetable diet.


The white amur is native to China, and it gets its famous name from the Amur River, where it is most often found. Today this species is successfully bred in farms, and in natural conditions grass carp inhabits the backwaters of large rivers: Don, Volga, Yenisei. He feels excellent in ponds, artificial reservoirs near power plants, reservoirs.

This is interesting! The predilection of this fish for aquatic plants is used to clean water bodies. Therefore, the amur is also often called "cleaner".

What is the difference between the mullet and the white amur

It is not difficult to distinguish the mullet from the white amur, because these two fish species have little in common. Only a person who does not understand anything about biology could confuse them.

For the sake of reliability, here are just a few distinguishing characteristics:

  1. Parameters. Mullet does not have such dimensions as the white amur. Under favorable conditions of existence, the body length of this fish reaches 40-70 cm, but the grass carp is many times larger. The same is observed in terms of weight: the weight of even large specimens of mullet rarely exceeds 400 g.
  2. Place of residence. If amur prefers freshwater habitat, mullet is a sea dweller. This fish is found in warm seas: the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas. Only sometimes it comes out in bays and estuaries.
  3. Appearance. There are two black stripes on the body of the mullet, located on the sides. Another distinguishing feature: a small mouth and large eyes in the mullet.
  4. The meat of the mullet, like most freshwater fish, contains many bones. The meat of mullet does not have this disadvantage: it is white and juicy.

It can be added that the mullet is very agile, although the white amur is also quite active. But his sea counterpart is able to jump even over the fishing nets, which is very frustrating for fans of water hunting.

Composition and calories

Since grass carp adheres to a vegetarian diet throughout his life, in his meat harmful substances are found only in exceptional cases. But useful for human health in this fish contains a lot of substances. Among the main components of the composition:

  1. Protein is present in the meat of fish in huge quantities. It is well absorbed by the human digestive system.
  2. Antioxidants. This is a whole group of substances that regulate the purification process, remove toxins and harmful decay products from tissues. Thanks to the coordinated work of these components, fish dishes with Cupid improve the condition of the skin and hair, which rejuvenates the appearance.
  3. Retinol or vitamin A stimulates the synthesis of some hormones, increases immunity resistance, improves reproductive functions.
  4. Vitamin B group regulates metabolic processes, strengthens the nervous system.
  5. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) increases the body's defenses. This property is especially useful for rapid recovery after surgery and serious illness.
  6. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a participant in the synthesis of sex hormones, stabilizes sugar levels, has anticarcinogenic properties.
  7. Mineral elements in the meat of grass carp are also represented by a serious grouping: magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine and another whole list of substances from the Mendeleev table.

But the most valuable components are considered omega fatty acids. The human body is unable to synthesize these vital compounds on its own, so white amur meat is an indispensable source of these substances.

Energy value
Despite such a rich composition, the caloric value of a hundred-gram portion of the fish product is 130-135 units. Of course, this important indicator is influenced by the way the dish is prepared. For example:

  • fried Cupid has a caloric value of 166 units;
  • oven-baked fish has only 109 kcal;
  • the lowest caloric value of fish soup is 33;
  • high - almost 454 kcal for fish liver dishes.

As we can see, the indicators of the nutritional value of various fish dishes are quite suitable for the dietary diet of people who watch their figure. But, in addition to these properties, white amur meat has a whole set of qualities that will be useful for the health of a person of any age.

What are the benefits of grass carp fish

General benefits

The natural diet of herbivorous fish is positively reflected in the taste characteristics of the meat. It is dense, sufficiently fatty, with a slight sweet taste. With any method of cooking the dishes made of grass carp are perfectly digestible, so the meat of grass carp is included by nutritionists in the food set of patients with diabetes and many other pathologies. Rich in vitamins and omega-acids, the fish fillet has a generally beneficial effect on the whole body when eaten regularly. List only the most beneficial effects:

What are the benefits of grass carp?

  1. Reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol, than reduces the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Stimulates tissue regeneration, speeding up the healing process.
  3. Thanks to the antioxidant complex cleans tissues from toxic products.
  4. Rejuvenates the skin.
  5. Due to the presence of iodine normalizes the endocrine system.
  6. Increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.
  7. Has a positive effect on the heart and brain.
  8. Stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  9. Improves blood composition.
  10. Normalizes blood pressure.
  11. Stabilizes the hormonal balance.

It is possible to enumerate for a long time the positive effects that are observed on the human body, in the diet of which there is a place for fish delicacies from amur. For example, in the old days such food was given to patients with tuberculosis, to support a weakened body. But quite healthy people should also take advantage of the opportunities that can be obtained through the inclusion in the menu of tasty and nutritious dishes from the meat of herbivorous carp. Let's consider what benefits such a diet will bring to different groups of people.

For women

Any fish is useful for the female body. White amur with the unique taste of its sirloin doubles this benefit. The presence of a large number of fatty omega acids inhibits the aging process and rejuvenates the appearance. Antioxidant abilities of this fish will help to cleanse, improve the condition of the facial skin and increase the strength of the nails. After all, it is important for women of any age to maintain their attractiveness. In addition to supporting youth and beauty, fish diet will have a positive impact on the state of hormonal background, which depends on the reproductive ability of women of childbearing age. During menopause, this property will help to more easily endure the unpleasant phenomena associated with restructuring of the body.

For men

Men are more exposed to physical and psycho-emotional stresses than women. Complex of useful substances present in the tender fillet of white amur, will help offset the negative costs of modern life.

  1. Sportsmen fish diet will help to quickly recover from workouts and build muscle mass.
  2. The product contains elements that regulate the synthesis of male sex hormones, the lack of which reduces potency and reproductive ability. Therefore, with the participation of valuable fish representatives of the stronger half of mankind can maintain sexual activity even in old age.
  3. Given the fact that the composition of white amur meat contains substances that can resist the development of cancer, the use of fish will be a good prevention against these serious diseases.
  4. Since amur contains components that improve myocardial contractility, including fish dishes in the menu will reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, which occur more often in men.

It is enough to include in the menu dishes of white Cupid twice a week to increase performance and improve memory. And this will help a man to concentrate his strength to solve the most difficult tasks.

When pregnant

Future mothers of herbivorous carp will also benefit doubly if they consume it 2-3 times a week. Since this fish is herbivorous, its meat does not contain substances that are dangerous for the health of the woman and the future baby. On the contrary, the valuable complex of minerals will only contribute to the full development of the fetus, reducing the risk of anomalies. In addition, during pregnancy, women are often anemic, and the cupid fillet has a fairly high iron content.

During breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, mothers should also not limit themselves in their desire to eat fish delicacy. Such a supplement to the diet will help the woman herself to recover faster after childbirth. As for the baby healthy fish will be a reliable source of vitamins and minerals, which the growing body needs. Of course, such dishes for breastfeeding mothers need to be very carefully introduced into the diet, watching the reaction of the baby. It is better to prepare dishes on steam or baked in the oven. Ideal for the diet of a nursing mother is an ear of grass carp.

Video: 10 tips on nutrition for a nursing mom Expand

For kids

Any fish is of great value for the development of children's body. The nutrient-rich filleted flesh of white amur is easily digested by the digestive system of children, which has not yet fully formed. Therefore, in the absence of allergies this healthy fish can be used as a baby food after 8 months.

The product content of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals will contribute to the proper formation of the bone skeleton and teeth. Such a supplement to the baby's diet will improve mental development, as well as increase the protective function of the child's immune system. It should not be forgotten that fish dishes are the most effective prevention of rickets.

Cook fish delicacies for your baby should be steamed. Given the bony meat of grass carp, it must be carefully freed from the bones and twice crushed through a meat grinder. The resulting minced meat will make delicious dumplings, which can be given to the baby in small portions (30-50 grams) twice a week.

Appendix: Pediatricians consider fish much healthier for children's nutrition than meat products.

When losing weight

From the above description of the properties of herbivorous carp meat and its unique composition, it is easy to conclude that this is an ideal product for a dietary weight loss program. The rapid digestion of fish dishes by the digestive system will improve metabolism and metabolism. And the meat saturated with minerals and vitamin supplements will deliver the tissues full nutrition. But the main thing is the calories, which are very little in the main groups of dishes from this delicious fish. The presence in the diet of home-made delicacies of amur will provide a systematic burning of fat, which will have a positive effect on the shape of the figure. It is also worth adding that by introducing fish dishes in the menu, you can significantly reduce the presence of meat in the diet, which will greatly ease the burden on the digestive system.

Interesting fact: The content of unsaturated acids in the meat of white amur can be compared with linseed oil.

In pancreatitis

It is known that with pancreatitis, the food set for the diet of such patients should be selected particularly carefully. The low fat content of white cupid meat is ideal for dietary nutrition of patients suffering from pancreatic inflammation. It is clear that the food should be cooked only steamed or boiled.

The above brief overview of the useful properties of herbivorous carp confirms how useful this large inhabitant of rivers and lakes is for humans.

Especially useful would be a fish diet of carp fillets for the elderly and diabetics. After all, at the expense of one tasty and very nutritious meal, you can simultaneously solve such problems as lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels. And as a pleasant "bonus" of such a diet - elastic skin, youthful appearance and mental clarity.

Harm and contraindications

In principle, people of all ages and genders can enjoy the taste of healthy dishes from herbivorous carp without restrictions. Of course, the consumption of seafood should be in moderation. The list of contraindications consists of only a few points:

Harm and contraindications of grass carp

  1. Refuse from fish delicacy should be during exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system: pancreatitis, ulcers, cholecystitis.
  2. If you are allergic to seafood, fish should also not be present in the diet.

Weight loss persons should not include in the menu fried Cupid and dishes from his liver, because the caloric value of such delicacies several times higher than the energy capacity of boiled fish and dishes cooked by steam method.

Attention! Grass carp, like any freshwater fish, is often a carrier of parasites. To avoid contracting worm infestation, all fish dishes are recommended to undergo a long heat treatment.

How to choose and store

Today, it is not difficult to find white amur in a regular store or at the grocery market. It is much more difficult to choose a good-quality specimen. But a few useful tips will simplify this procedure:

  1. For cooking fish dishes in the home kitchen, it is better to choose the carcasses of adult, not too large specimens. If you follow this rule, the cutting of fish will be successful, because in adults the meat is well separated from the bones.
  2. It is necessary to evaluate the smell before buying - older carps often smell of slime.
  3. The scales on the body should not look dull, and the fins of a good carcass will retain elasticity.

Storage rules
White amur fillets should not be stored for a long time. After cutting and fragmenting, the fish semi-finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days chilled. Frozen grass carp can be stored for up to two months.

But before cooking it is necessary to defrost the fish completely to be able to assess its appearance and texture condition. If the characteristics of these indicators are far from normal, it is better to refuse to cook a low-quality product. Otherwise there is a high probability of poisoning.

It is possible to freeze white amur fillets only once.

In short, it is better to cook fish immediately after purchase or process the meat for mince.

How to peel and dress grass carp

Cutting the carcass of white amur requires certain skills and knowledge. Unskilled actions can spoil a useful product. A few recommendations from experienced chefs will help you cope with this difficult task.

  1. Cutting the carcass, you need to try to get between the vertebrae.
  2. It is required to remove the film in the abdominal cavity of the fish very carefully. If the cleaning was made poorly and a small fragment of this film remained, the dish will be bitter.
  3. The tail part of the carcass is better left for the soup. Fatty fillets can be fried or baked in the oven.
  4. If the hostess plans to bake whole fish in foil, the vertebral spine should be removed through the abdominal cavity. In this case, the skin on the back will remain intact, and the dish will be juicy.
  5. The cutting for fish soup must be coarse in order to make the first dish tasty and nutritious.
  6. If you smell slime, the fish should be boiled or stewed with vegetables. This cooking option completely neutralizes the unpleasant flavor.

In culinary terms, white amur is a versatile product. A lot of everyday and festive dishes can be prepared with this fish. The meat of this freshwater inhabitant occupies an honorable place in the cuisine of different countries of the world. Grass carp is stuffed, grilled, fried and stewed.

How to cook white amur in a delicious way: Recipes

The meat of grass carp is delicious in itself. Thanks to a vegetarian diet, the fish is moderately fatty and juicy, and its delicate creamy hue is ideal for decorating salads and light fish snacks. As for its taste qualities, the grass carp surpasses the silver carp and the mirror carp in this respect. Cupid is inferior in taste only to catfish and carp.

How to cook grass carp

The meat of this fish goes well with almost all major food groups: cereals, vegetables, spices, eggs. The carp is also versatile in terms of cooking, i.e. this fish can be fried, salted, dried, boiled, baked. The tender fillet of herbivorous carp makes a good mince that can be used to prepare dietary dishes for children or used for stuffing. As an example, we offer several recipes for quick cooking tasty dishes of carp.

In the oven

This classic recipe is within the power of any hostess. Baked in foil Cupid can become the central dish of the holiday table. Of course, it is better to choose an individual of large size.

  1. Preliminarily clean the fish carcass from scales, remove bones and backbone.
  2. Cleaned and well washed fish, salt and pepper it, sprinkle the inside and outside with lemon juice. You can add spices for fish (garlic, chopped suneli).
  3. Now wrap it in foil and put into oven for 45 minutes (180-200°C).

Note! This algorithm can be applied while cooking fish in the oven, but without foil. In this case you can cook the amur together with the vegetables, abundantly dressing everything with mayonnaise.

In the pan

Grilled grass carp will turn out juicy and delicious if the meat of the fish, divided into steaks, first marinade. For the marinade you need to take:

  • basil;
  • dill (seeds);
  • coriander ground;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • black pepper;
  • spice mix.

The amount of bulk ingredients is determined by the weight of the fish. For 1 kg of amur steaks, it is enough to take 1 tsp. of each ingredient. Put the steaks in a container, sprinkle with spices, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon. After three hours of marinating the fish can be fried in vegetable oil. Fish steaks before you do this should be rolled in flour. This recipe can be used when cooking a fish dish on the grill.

Video: How to cook white amur in the oven Expand

In the multicooker

Dish of white amur cooked in the multicooker is ideal for the diet of slim individuals. We offer a universal recipe for a delicious and nutritious dish with low calories - only 139 kcal.

Set of products per 1 kg of fish:

  • flour and vegetable oil - 2 tbsp each;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
  • fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • provincial herbs.
  • It is best to cook Cupid together with potatoes.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Marinate the pieces of fish with spices and lemon juice for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then each piece is dipped in flour, and then placed in a bowl of a multicooker.
  3. In the mode "Roasting" keep the slices on both sides for a minute.
  4. Now dilute the tomato paste in 150 ml of water, add the peppers.
  5. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish and turn on the mode "Stew" for 25 minutes.
  6. Even before turning on the multicooker, place the herbs, bay. At the same time set the tray with sliced potato slices.
  7. In about 30-40 minutes the fish and garnish will be ready. The only thing left is to enjoy the amazing taste of the dish.

On the grill

According to this simple recipe, you can prepare a diet kebab of white amur meat on the grill.

What products are required for 1 kg of fish:

  • lemon - half;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs;
  • yogurt - 2 tbsp;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper.

Scheme of preparation:

  1. Prepared fish pieces sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Prepare a marinade in a deep container: mix yogurt, mustard and soy sauce. In this mixture put fish pieces.
  3. Cut vegetables. Salt and pepper them and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Then string the fish pieces on wooden skewers alternately with vegetables.
  5. Grill fish kebab on the grill, but better on a campfire or barbecue.

On the grill

In many ways, this method of cooking fish dish resembles the previous version. Such a kebab is perfect for a picnic outdoors.

Prepared pieces of fish fillet (without skin) should be marinated for half an hour. Then place the pieces on the grill grate. Roast the meat on both sides for 10 minutes. For the fish to fry better, every 2 minutes you need to turn the grill. Cooked in this way, shashlik is better served with vegetables and greens.

What can be cooked of white amur: Recipes


The first dish of amur turns out fragrant and delicious. And it is easiest to cook it according to the classic recipe. For a rich soup, it is necessary to take the head, the tail part, the backbone, that is, all those fragments that remained after cutting the carcass.

White Cupid soup

  1. First, put a pot of water on the fire.
  2. After boiling, add chopped vegetables: carrots, onions, potatoes to the fish soup. The onion does not need to be chopped, it goes into the stew whole.
  3. When the vegetables are half cooked, send the fish parts to the pot.
  4. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper the dish. Remove the onion with a slotted spoon.

Before serving, you can garnish the soup with fresh chopped herbs.


There are no fundamental differences in the method of cooking cutlets of minced white amur. Such a dish will supplement the dietary ration, as well as suitable for children's food. Of course, spices and salt in such a case should be applied in minimal amounts. It is better to cook fish cakes in the multicooker on steam, but you can bake them in the oven. Tender cutlets and dumplings are served with any side dish: rice, pasta, vegetables.

Bay of Jam

A very tasty jam is made of white cupid combined with mushrooms. Such a dish is more appropriate for a festive atmosphere. For 1 kg of fish meat you need:

  • peanuts - 400 g;
  • champignons - 200 gr;
  • herbs;
  • onions;
  • gelatin.


  1. First, prepare the broth. For this purpose, boil the tail and fish head for 40 minutes.
  2. Shredded mushrooms together with peanuts fry in vegetable oil. Then add herbs to this mass.
  3. Put slices of fish fillet and mushroom stuffing on top.
  4. Pour the broth over everything. The form with the fish for 25 minutes send it to the oven, where it cooks at 200°C.
  5. In the meantime, dilute the gelatin (40 g) and add to the fish dish. It is important not to let the broth boil.
  6. Remove the forms with fish from the oven, and when cool, place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Shish kebab

Fish kebab of Cupid fillets can be quickly prepared in several ways. Above already described recipes for cooking delicious kebab on the barbecue and grill. But you can also use the oven. Baked dietary cupid meat has a low index of calories, so diabetics and thin people can enjoy such a dish.

Baked in the oven kebab can be served with sour cream and tomato sauce.


To enjoy the taste of dried white amur meat, you need to remember a few important rules:

  1. Small specimens can be dried whole, removing only the gills and insides.
  2. Large specimens must be divided into pieces, because large fish will take a long time to dry, and the meat can spoil.
  3. The heads should also be removed in any case.
  4. The flesh of fish should be cut into steaks 3 cm thick, and the tail part and the part nearest to it should be left intact (20-30 cm). This largest fragment should be notched in several places, but it should be dried as a whole.
  5. After preparation, wash all pieces of fish under water, dry them with a towel, dry-salt them for 6-12 hours.
  6. Then soak the fish for 6 hours in cold water to remove excess salt, changing the water twice during this time.
  7. After that, the amur parts to put on stainless steel hooks.
  8. The fish can be dried outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

To protect fish meat from insects, it should be wrapped in gauze. Drying period depends on weather conditions and the size of the fish, but on average it lasts for 2-3 weeks. To check the readiness of cured fish, cut the carcass near the back: if the meat in the incision area is transparent and amber in color, then you can taste the fish delicacy.

Video: How to smoke white amur Expand

How to marinate

White amur is easy to marinate at home according to the proposed recipe.

Ingredients for 1 kg of fish:

  • large onion - 3 pcs;
  • cumin and ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp;
  • soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

All the culinary steps are reduced to a few steps:

  1. Cut into pieces the carcass of the amur salt, add soy sauce. Leave the fish fillet to stew in this brine for 2 hours.
  2. Then cut rings into onions. Take a glass jar with cumin and pepper at the bottom. Then put the fish and onion rings one by one.
  3. Then add vinegar, oil, sugar.
  4. Make a brine for salting from 1 tsp. salt dissolved in water (the amount depends on the volume of the container).
  5. Ready brine pour the fish in a jar, cover the container with a lid, send it to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

Cooked in this simple way fish fillet is perfect with boiled potatoes.

Can I Salt White Cupid Caviar

Cupid caviar, like any other fish, has a huge nutritional value. Therefore, when cutting the carcass, you should try to extract it carefully so as not to rupture the gallbladder. Then the caviar can be fried or stewed in any oil. But many housewives prefer to salt it. There are several options for salting fish roe. Here is the simplest of them - the dry method. Although salting caviar without caulk is considered a rather risky way, gourmets prefer this variant of cooking fish snacks.

Ingredients per 1 kg of pure product:

  • salt - 60 g;
  • sugar (sand) - 20 g.

Scheme of preparation:

  1. Well-washed caviar peel off the foils. But you can pickle caviar directly in the spawn. True, before this you should also rinse and dry well.
  2. The prepared product to put in a bowl, sprinkle the top with salt and sugar.
  3. The whole mass is mixed well. You can add a little vegetable oil, then the finished snack will be tastier.
  4. Then salted product should be put in a sterile container and left for 12-18 hours.
  5. If the caviar is salted in the crusts, after salting remove them with a knife, and carefully separate the caviar with a spoon.

Of course, that you can salt only high-quality caviar. The presence of damage on the roe is not allowed. You can salt both fresh and frozen cupid caviar. But the product should thaw at room temperature. Do not speed up this process with the microwave or other means, because in this case the eggs will simply boil. Salting boiled caviar makes no sense.

Interesting facts

Interesting facts about grass carp

  1. In periods of hunger, the amur often switches from a vegetarian diet to eating the caviar of its neighbors. Therefore, when artificially breeding this fish, it is necessary to constantly carry out additional feeding. Farms stock leaves, soft grass, and feed mixtures specifically for this purpose.
  2. Residents of coastal areas of rivers with herbivorous carp feed the industrious fish in spring and fall with grass clippings.
  3. The Amur loves sandwiches. But this favorite kind of snack for this fish looks different: experienced fishermen together with slices of fresh cucumber put cabbage leaves and seaweed on the hook. Such a dainty grass carp takes with pleasure, and as a result becomes the prey of the angler.
  4. Another character trait of the white amur is that it likes peace and quiet. Therefore, if you want to catch this tasty fish, you need to be careful and not to make noise.

In conclusion, we would like to say that the white amur is an amazing representative of the underwater world. His valuable meat can provide significant support to the body. All that remains is to choose a recipe for a suitable dish.

«Important: All information on the site is provided solely for introductory purposes. Before applying any recommendations, please consult with a specialist. specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors shall be liable for any possible harm caused by materials."

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